Appoint one Registered Member of the Council and one Lay Member of the Council

Eligibility and disqualification criteria

To be eligible for this appointment, candidates must be able to satisfy the following definitions:
  • The Medical Act 1983, as amended by the Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates Order 2024, defines a lay member as a person who:
    • is not and never has been provisionally registered or fully registered as a doctor, was at no time registered with limited registration and does not hold qualifications which would entitle them to apply for provisional or full registration under the Medical Act 1983 as amended.
    • is not and never has been registered under the Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates Order 2024 [1], and does not hold a qualification approved under article 4(1)(a)(ii) of that Order.
  • The Medical Act 1983, as amended by the Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates Order 2024, defines a registrant member as a:
    • person who is fully or provisionally registered as a doctor and holds a licence to practise. This applies throughout an individual’s tenure as a registrant Council member [2]; or
    • person registered under the Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates Order 2024*.

[1] This Order comes into force as of 13 December 2024. Eligibility is described within the ‘Professional Skills and Experience’ section of this document.

[2] The criteria for disqualification from appointment as a member of Council are set out in Part 2, Article 5 of the General Medical Council (Constitution) Order 2008 as amended by the GMC (Constitution) (Amendment) Order 2012, with information included in Annex B.

Are the positions open to applicants across the four countries of the UK?

While positions are open to people in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, we’re particularly keen to encourage applications from Wales, due to the current Welsh member’s term of office ending December 2024.

Do I have to be a UK national to apply?

You must be free to remain and take up this role in the UK.

Is there an upper or lower age limit for applicants?

No, there is no age limit.

Are the new posts open to registrant and lay people?

Yes. One post is open to a lay candidate, and one to a registrant member, subject to the eligibility criteria outlined in the information for applicants, and below in relation to investigations.

Who can apply for the registrant position?

Doctors, subject to the eligibility criteria outlined in the information for applicants, and below in relation to investigations are eligible to apply, along with current physician associates and anaesthesia associates who expect to join the register when the GMC becomes the regulator for PAs and AAs.

I’ve previously been investigated by the GMC. Can I still apply?

Yes. You can apply, even if we’ve previously investigated your fitness to practise. However, you won’t be able to apply or will be disqualified from being appointed if this investigation led to you being suspended or erased from the register, or at the time of appointment, you still have conditions or undertakings on your practice.

You would also be disqualified if the Privy Council decide that your appointment would undermine public confidence in our regulatory functions.

Can I apply for this role if I’m currently a Chair or non-executive of an organisation within the health or social care sectors?

Yes. The nature of your role and any potential conflict of interest would need to be further explored during the selection process and you may be required to stand down as a condition of your appointment.

When will you confirm who has been appointed as your new Council members?

We expect to confirm in late November/early December.

How long will the new Council members be in post for?

The initial appointment will be for a period of up to four years. The term of office will be determined by the Privy Council on appointment. Council members can serve for a maximum period of eight years in any 20-year period.

How much will the new Council members be paid? What benefits will they receive?

Council members are entitled to remuneration of £18,000 per year for a minimum time commitment of three days a month. Remuneration covers attendance at Council and other GMC meetings, including preparation and travelling time. This amount is not pensionable, and they will not receive private medical insurance.

Who is on the selection panel?

The selection panel is made up of the Chair of Council, Dame Carrie MacEwen, and two further members of Council and an independent panel member from Council and the GMC. For this appointment, this will be:

  • Professor Dame Carrie MacEwen, Chair – Chair of Council and registrant member, Scotland
  • Professor Anthony Harnden – Registrant member, England and Chair, Remuneration Committee
  • Dr Vanessa Davies – Lay member, Scotland
  • Ms Cindy Butts – Independent panel member
What is the Privy Council?

The Privy Council is a collection of senior politicians who are or have been members of the House of Commons or House of Lords. It’s responsible for approving appointments to around 400 institutions, charities and companies – including the GMC. There’s more information about the Privy Council’s work on their website.

Why does the Privy Council have the ultimate responsibility for appointing a GMC Council Member?

Section 227 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 sets out our legal responsibility to run a suitable process to select candidates to recommend to the Privy Council.

The PSA check our process to make sure it is fair, transparent and that all selection decisions are based on evidence of merit. There’s more information about the process on the PSA’s website.